Demand Generation Managers
Demand Generation Managers Responsibilities
Responsible for demand generation strategy and execution
Strategize and coordinate the execution of demand generation campaigns, using data analytics to optimize performance
Prioritize and manage content strategy for multiple demand generation campaigns
Evaluate and recommend best practices for demand gen by building engaging content
Work closely with the demand generation team to research, write, and publish compelling original advertising, email, direct mail and landing page content
Demand Generation Managers Salary
Average salary for Demand Generation Managers ranges from RM 3,500 to RM 8,000 per month
Most In-Demand Skills for Demand Generation Managers
Digital Marketing
Content Marketing
Marketing Automation
How It Works
Stop Searching
Stop the endless job searching & apply. Instead, get interview invitations from companies who are interested in you.
Job Matching
Based on your profile, we match you with relevant jobs. Your contact information are hidden until you accept their interview invitations.
Always Free
On DG Hero, everything is free for our talents. We charge the companies when they found talents they like.
Intelligent Job Matching
DG Hero's intelligent job matching enables everyone to land better jobs without having to waste time searching & applying for jobs.
We match you with relevant jobs while protecting your privacy. It's a better way for everyone to land jobs easily!
Highlight Your Soft Skills
Our quick registration process enables you to stand out from the crowd by highlighting critical soft skills in your profile.
92% hiring managers agree soft skills are as important as technical skills!
Your Privacy Is Our Priority
We only match you to relevant jobs & companies, preventing irrelevant companies to search and view your personal information.
We never reveal your contact information including email address, phone number & address to anyone, unless with your permission, usually when you agree to attend an interview with the company.
Registration Is Easy!
You can quickly complete the registration through your mobile phone or computer, even you don't have your resume ready now.
You may upload your resume and complete other details later at your convenience.